- 8/2020 - 1st taro genome assembly developed by researchers
- 8/2020 - USDA Seeks Help from Citizens to Collect Unsolicited Seeds Packages
- 8/2020 - Officials worry mystery seeds from China could be harmful to Indiana crops
- 8/2020 - USDA Provides List of Locations by State Where Public Can Mail Unsolicited Seed Packages
- 7/2020 - Unsolicited seeds could wreak havoc on agriculture, environment, state officials warn
- 8/2020 - Scientists create ant birth-control to eliminate the plague of fire ants and yellow crazy ants in Hawai
- 5/2020 - A People Problem and Plant Disease: The Economics of Pest Management in Citrus Greening
- 1/2020 - Can a War of the Wasps Save Hawaiʻi's Wiliwili Trees?
- 1/2020 - California Loses Chlorpyrifos: What's Next?
- 1/2020 - Leaf Miners: The Unexpected Conservation Heroes