- 9/2020 - 5 things to know about spotted lanternfly
- 9/2020 - Spotted lanternfly concerns spur quarantine in New Castle County
- 8/2020 - 5 things to know about the spotted lanternfly
- 8/2020 - USDA Seeks Help from Citizens to Collect Unsolicited Seeds Packages
- 8/2020 - Officials worry mystery seeds from China could be harmful to Indiana crops
- 8/2020 - USDA Provides List of Locations by State Where Public Can Mail Unsolicited Seed Packages
- 7/2020 - Unsolicited seeds could wreak havoc on agriculture, environment, state officials warn
- 8/2020 - Destructive spotted lanternfly moves south
- 8/2020 - Delaware ag officials want help spotting (and squashing) the spotted lanternfly
- 8/2020 - Invasive spotted lanternfly has yet to be spotted in Michigan