Pest Photo

James D. Young, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Maritime garden snail

Cernuella virgata

Maritime garden snail (Cernuella virgata) is a mollusk pest. It is a native of Mediterranean and Europe and was first detected in North Carolina in 2000.

This species aestivates after climbing to the top of vegetation (or fences). This habit is problematic for farmers engaged in in crop harvesting, because numerous snails are collected along with the crop. It is also a host of trematode parasites. Management includes clearing of vegetation in public and private properties. Molluscicides are also used in broadcast treatments and snail bait. This pest poses a large risk to U.S. plant health. International commerce provides recognized avenues of introduction.

For more information about this plant pest, see the CAPS data sheet and the CABI data sheet.
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